Blue Mountain Vista Observatory New RInggold PA
NGC 6946
NGC 6946 is a magnitude 9.6 spiral face-on galaxy on the Cepheus/Cygnus border. It is
sometimes called the Fireworks galaxy, possibly because 8 supernovae have exploded in it in
the last 100 years. It is about 23 million light years away.
Date: Aug-Sep 2013
Location: New Ringgold PA
Optics: Hyperion 12.5 inch f/9 2532mm focal length
Mount: Paramount ME
Camera: Apogee Alta U8300 Camera
Guiding: SBIG ST-402 on an On Axis Guider from Innovations Foresight
Exposure: LRGB: L- 26x10 R-12x8 min, G- 12x4 min, B- 17x11 min, for a total of 10 hours
Processing: Image acquisition using CCD Autopilot. Initial processing was done using Maxim
DL with subsequent processing with Photoshop.