Blue Mountain Vista Observatory New RInggold PA
NGC 3628
NGC 3628 is a mag 10.3 unbarred spiral galaxy in Leo, part of the triplet with M65 and M66. It is
estimated at 35 million light years distance. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1784. It has
an approximately 300,000 light-years long tidal tail. The gravitional pull of the neighboring
galaxies has most likely tipped the plane of NGC 3628 and made its central dust lane "wobbled"
in appearence. Spectroscopic analysis of the stars and gas in the disk reveal interesting motion.
The stars orbit the galaxy in the opposite direction of the gas. It is conjectured that galactic
mergers have created this phenomena. Note the dim dwarf satellite galaxy beneath the main
Imaging data:
Date: Mar 26,Apr 2, 2008
Location: New Ringgold PA
Optics: Meade LX200R 12 inch at f/10
Mount: Paramount ME
Camera: SBIG ST-8XME / CFW-8
Guiding: ST-8XME integral guiding chip controlled by Maxim CCD
Exposure: LRGB: Luminance: 12x10 minutes unbinned; RGB: 5 each binned 2x2 - 8 min for R,G,
and 9 min for B for a total of 4 hours.
Processing: Image acquisition using CCD Autopilot. Initial processing was done using Maxim
DL with subsequent processing with Photoshop.