Blue Mountain Vista Observatory New RInggold PA
M105 Trio
This grouping of three galaxies in Leo shows elliptical M105 (NGC 3379) to the right center, elliptical
NGC 3371/3384 top, and spiral NGC 3389/3373 to the lower left.
Imaging data:
Date: March 18,21 2009
Location: New Ringgold PA
Optics: Meade LX200R-14 at f/7.9 28ll mm
Mount: Paramount ME
Camera/Filters: Apogee Alta U8300 FLI CFW-2-7 FLI Filters
Guiding: guidescope
Exposure: Luminance: 15x5 minutes binned 2x2, R:12x5 min G:12x4 min B:12x6 min all binned 3x3
for a total of 4.2 hours
Processing: Image acquisition using CCD Autopilot. Initial processing was done using Maxim DL
with subsequent processing using Photoshop.