The Gamma-Cygni Nebula from BMV Observatories
IC 1318 is a diffuse emission nebula complex surrounding the bright star Gamma Cygni, or Sadr, which is the center star of the Northern Cross. Sadr is a bright yellow-white F8 supergiant star of magnitude 2.2 and lies around 1800 light years away. It has 12 times the mass and 150 times the diameter of the Sun and emits 33,000 times as much energy.

Date: July, 2014
Location: New Ringgold PA
Optics: Takahashi FSQ106ED 530 mm focal length
Mount: Orion Atlas
Camera: SBIG STL 11000
Guiding: SBIG onboard guide chip
Exposure: RGBHA - R:13x6 min, G:21x6 min, B:17x6 min, HA: 27x10 min for a total of 9.6 hrs
Processing: Image acquisition using CCD Autopilot. Initial processing was done using Maxim DL with subsequent processing with Photoshop. The HA channel was used as the Luminance layer and blended with the color.
Blue Mountain Vista Observatory New RInggold PA
Gamma Cygni Nebula IC 1318
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