Double Cluster  from BMV Observatories
Blue Mountain Vista Observatory New RInggold PA
Double Cluster
The Double Cluster (also known as Caldwell 14) is the common name for the naked-eye open clusters NGC 884 and NGC 869, which are close together in the constellation Perseus. NGC 884 and NGC 869 are at distances of 7600 and 6800 light-years away, respectively, so they are also close to one another in space. The clusters' ages, based on their individual stars, are relatively young. NGC 869 is 5.6 million years old and NGC 884 is 3.2 million years old, according to the 2000 Sky Catalogue.

Date: Dec 2009
Location: New Ringgold PA
Optics: Takahashi FSQ106-ED
Mount: Paramount ME
Camera: Apogee U8300
Exposure: RGB (unbinned): 10 each RGB at 200 seconds each
Processing: Image acquisition using CCD Autopilot. Initial processing was done using Maxim DL with subsequent processing with Photoshop. Spikes added with Star Spike Pro.